
基督教社会联盟DH will serve the principle of educational justice by empowering all students to be critical thinkers and communicators who excel academically, 毕业事业预备, and demonstrate a passion for lifelong learning that encourages and supports meaningful engagement as local and global citizens. We achieve such equitable academic excellence and holistic student empowerment through community-engaged, 经验, and integrative curricular and cocurricular experiences that reflect and leverage students’ strengths, 身份, 值, 的声音, 和目标.

目标1:通过共享治理过程, 制定并实施制度政策, 程序, and structures that ensure that all students have equitable access to high-impact, community-engaged, 文化的反应, and equity-centered curriculum that prepares them for collaborative, real-world problem-solving and personal and professional success.


  • 到2023年秋季, external advisory boards will be established at the department or college level for regular consultation regarding ways to embed 经验 learning and career exploration and preparation into the curriculum.
  • 到2023年春季, the campus will create cross-di愿景al teams (faculty, 顾问, learning support and career center staff) that will work to align learning support programs, co-curriculum经验, and career exploration with the undergraduate curriculum in ways that ensure equitable access and support a culturally engaging and anti-oppressive campus learning environment.
  • 到2024年春季, the campus will establish a community-engaged learning requirement for undergraduate students.
  • 到2024年春季, the campus will establish faculty-led structures and provide resources to support the curriculum approval, 实现, and assessment of at least two high-impact practices in every major undergraduate program of study. 这种高影响力的实践可能包括, 但不限于, 社区参与学习经验, 全球学习经历, 写作强化课程, 教师指导研究和项目.
  • 到2024年秋季, the campus will create a cross-di愿景al team of faculty and staff that will design and implement culturally-sustaining first-year learning communities of pre-enrolled first-time, 一年级学生, 作为一个队列, 至少两个G.E. courses that have learning supports, co-curricular experiences, and career exploration built-in.
  • 到2025年秋季, the campus community will revise its Institutional Learning Outcomes for graduate and undergraduate students to align with the campus’ mission, 愿景, and 值 and develop a plan to assess these outcomes on a five-year cycle.
  • 到2026年秋季, the campus will re搜索 and implement an e-portfolio system that will provide students with opportunities to reflect on and integrate their learning experiences, demonstrate and reflect on their thinking and skill development over time, and share their work and these reflections for a variety of audiences, including potential employers; such a system will be intentionally embedded in the undergraduate curriculum, 适用于所有研究生课程, and could be used for both institutional assessment and credit for prior learning.
  • 到2027年春季, each student-facing unit (including all academic programs) will perform a data-informed, intersectional equity assessment and create a plan of action with recommendations to address any equity gaps uncovered. Particular areas for review include 但不限于: recruitment and retention of Black, 亚洲, 太平洋岛民, Latinx, and Native American students; academic outcomes and support structures for diverse student populations, 比如服务不足社区的学生, 退伍军人, 老年人, and LGBTQ+ students; limitations on academic and cocurricular involvement for undocumented, mixed-status, 低收入家庭的学生.
  • 到2027年秋季, all undergraduate programs will include at least two required courses that have been approved to include at least one HIP.

目标2: Support students to overcome barriers and navigate 基督教社会联盟DH by providing programs and services for holistic success at all levels.


  • 到2022年秋季, the campus will restructure advising and other support structures with the goal of offering students holistic, coordinated support and guidance from first and second year 顾问, 主要/教师顾问, 职业顾问, 毕业的专家, 情况下经理, 还有实习协调员, 清晰标识的空间.
  • 到2023年秋季, the campus will ensure all affinity centers (妇女资源中心, 托罗梦想家成功中心, 美洲印第安人中心, 玫瑰黑资源中心, 酷儿文化和资源中心, Latinx中心, 亚洲 and Pacific Cultural Center) have functional space and operating budgets so they can cultivate supportive communities that help students develop a sense of belonging and acquire the tools and resources needed to successfully navigate 基督教社会联盟DH.
  • 到2024年春季, the campus will establish cross-di愿景al working groups to review and revise policies that serve as inequitable administrative barriers to student success.
  • 到2024年夏天, the campus will collaborate to redesign New Student Orientation and First-, 第二个, and Transfer-year experiences so they are more integrated and focused on major and career exploration, 学生领导和参与, and making a plan for their full 基督教社会联盟DH journey and beyond.
  • 到2025年春天, the campus will begin assessing the new advising realignment with a full assessment report on the advising restructure submitted to the President’s cabinet with recommendations for responding to its findings by Fall 2026.